Sunday, September 9, 2012

Group 1: Engineering Notebook

Group 1: Engineering Notebook

  • Progress
  • Problem
  • Plan

Group 2: Engineering Notebook

Group 2: Engineering Notebook
  • Progress
  • Problem
  • Plan

Group 3: Engineering Notebook

Group 3: Engineering Notebook
  • Progress
  • Problem
  • Plan

Group 4: Engineering Notebook

Group 4: Engineering Notebook
  • Progress
  • Problem
  • Plan

Group 5: Engineering Notebook

Group 5: Engineering Notebook

  • Progress
  • Problem
  • Plan

Group 6: Engineering Notebook

Group 6: Engineering Notebook
  • Progress
  • Problem
  • Plan

Group 7: Engineering Notebook

Group 7: Engineering Notebook
  • Progress
  • Problem
  • Plan

Group 8 Engineering Notebook

Group 8: Engineering Notebook
  • Progress
  • Problem
  • Plan

Monday, September 3, 2012

R&ED Forum

Hi! Everyone. Here is an open forum for our class!

Robot design and iPhone/iPad programming are challenging and rewarding tasks. They take lots of time and efforts to go through the steep learning curve. However, collaboration and mutual support are very important in the engineering community. Working together and helping each other by sharing your experiences can collectively ease the task and save lots of exploration time.
Everyone is encouraged to post your questions, concerns, problems, and issues here, and everyone is encouraged to give feedback, responses, comments, suggestions, and solutions.

Engineering Notebook

Project groups are required to maintain daily online logs about their progress. The writing should be clear and concise. The following list is a template for your logs.
  • Progress: tasks accomplished, problems solved, questions answered, lessons learned, new idea identified, etc.
  • Problem: difficulties encountered, missing information, equipments required, materials missed, open issues, new risks or show stopper identified, etc.
  • Plan: steps to attack the problems, action items for tomorrow, experiments to conduct, ideas to try, etc.


Welcome to the blog of the Robotics and Engineering Design class! Here is the place students can ask questions, express concerns, share information/links, record daily journals, post project status, and discuss technical issues.

Please bookmark this site right now for future reference.

Your active participation will not only be counted as part of your grade, it will greatly enrich your learning experience in this class. I am expecting you to have an exciting and fruitful year!