Sunday, September 9, 2012

Group 1: Engineering Notebook

Group 1: Engineering Notebook

  • Progress
  • Problem
  • Plan


  1. Group 1 9/10/12
    topic was chosen
    No Problems
    Plan to research 3 literary surveys

    1. 1) Record the topic.
      2) Do you mean that 3 literature summaries each person?
      3) What is the target date to finish it so your group can do the consolidation?
      4) How do your group make sure the survey will have proper coverage and no duplication?

  2. Today we researched some more about Humanoid Robots. Everyone should finish their 3 literature surveys and post them to the google doc so we can have them in one place. Then we can divide the work for the concept map.

    1. 1) Google doc is a great way to do documentation and communication at the same time!
      2) Great plan, however, still missing the time frame. For example, each member of your group will finish the survey by the end of Wednesday. Your group will review the Google doc all together in class Thursday. Then, each one will do their concept map the same day, and have the final review of concept map together on Friday before submission.

  3. Progress: Divided work for concept map and power point
    Problem: No problems
    Plan: Finish concept map by tonight and power point by tonight

    1. You can show me the concept map and PowerPoint tomorrow.

  4. The three chocolate sisters, (and señor awesomé) : Carmel, Kit- Kat, and Hershey Kiss. Our group was joking on how well you guys did.

  5. Progress: We decided to build a Tumbler robot and collected all the necessary parts.
    Problem: At the end of class, we realized we did not get the right number of some parts.
    Plan: Tomorrow we will make sure we have the right amount of parts needed and begin to assembler our robot.

  6. Progress: Assembled core of robot. attached motors wheels and frame.

    Problem: Screws are to tight, and screw drivers are to small/big. takes a lot of patience. time to finish robot is tight.

    Plan: to finish robot by time due. and make it high quality

    1. If the screws are worn out, don't use them. If the Allen wrenches are worn out, I can cut it for you.

  7. Progress: disassembled and finalized the details of what we will make for the new robot.

    Problem: might be to complicated to build might not be as strong as we thought.

    Plan: finish a robot that is better then we expect to make and to finish it by the allocated time.

    1. Please post the topic for your new robot here. Thanks!

  8. Plan:we plan to try and at least put together the bottom of the robot by friday

    Problem: there is a lot that has to be done in such a small time period. the fact that we are not that skilled is an issue

    Progress: we've begun to piece together our robot

    1. 1) Which type of robot locomotion are you going to use?
      2) If your group needs more time, you can come after school.
      3) Make sure everybody can do their own tasks at the same time to maximize the usage of time. In other world, divide your work into multiple tasks so all of you can work in parallel.

  9. Plan:we plan to try and at least put together the bottom of the robot by friday
    Problem: we think that Need more time and we need two angle turn motors
    Progress: we have started the base.

  10. Progress: We decided on the design of the robot. Adding wheels will help in stability and speed.
    Problem: We need to make sure that the robot moves efficiently and start the group lab report. We haven't decided how to attach all the components to the base of the robot.
    Plan: Just to work out all the kinks and keep testing and trying to get things right.

  11. Progress: We have built the basis for our robot. We are in the process of attaching all motors.
    Problem: We have to back track so they we can "personalize" our robot and make it unique
    Plan: We are going to try and see of we can add something to that will be unique and also beneficial.

  12. Progress: We have decided on the basic structure of the robot and how the claw and balancing aspect will work.
    Problem: None.
    Plan: We are going to continue to brainstorm and research and plan the overall idea, structure of the robot before we enter the building phase.

  13. Progress: We have already constructed the body and arm of our robot.
    Problem: None
    Plan: We are going to continue to build the robot according to the plan.

  14. Progress: We are attaching the wheels today and going to try an attach the arm by today
    Problem: we literally have one day
    Plan: try and come in early every morning

  15. Progress: setting the base and the claw for attachment.
    Problem: servo motor does not provide enough of an angle for the claw the cans on the floor
    Plan: attach a regular motor

  16. Progress: taking robot apart and planning before doing.
    Problem: this robot is going to be even more of a challenge to make.Plan: to make the best robot ever

  17. Progress: We have decided to build a robot resembling a bull dozer.
    Problem: We need to figure out exactly how we are going to build it, what parts we need and how we are going to make it work.
    Plan: Do more research and come up with a design for the robot.

  18. Progress: we have finished the base of the robot and have planed the arm.
    Problem: weight and arm strength might be a problem.
    Plan: attach a double arm to a box and a motor.

  19. Progress: we have finished the arms and the base
    Problem: weight and length might be an issue in the future
    Plan: attach the joint to the arms and the box.

  20. Progress: we are attaching THR second motor to the arm
    Problem: the motor and great are not connecting properly
    Plan: tighten all screws and fix gear problem

  21. Progress every part of our robot has been assembled.
    Problem: our battery is dead and we need to work at controlling the robot and its functions in a faster and more efficient matter
    Plan: charge batteries and practice using the robot to pick up balls.
