Sunday, September 9, 2012

Group 5: Engineering Notebook

Group 5: Engineering Notebook

  • Progress
  • Problem
  • Plan


  1. Progress: My group (Jake, Ari, Nancy, Jack) chose to make the biologically inspired robot.
    Problem: We have no problems thus far.
    Plan: We plan on working together to make a concept map, a literature survey, and a powerpoint presentation on the topic of the biologically inspired robot. We plan on working all together to complete the concept map (using previously thought of information). We will split up the literature survey and do three topics each (for a complete total of 12). For the Powerpoint presentation we plan on splitting up the questions on the slides so each person has a fair amount.

    1. 1) Good plan!
      2) Whenever you have a plan, always add the time frame into it.

  2. Progress: So far our progress is going well. Today in class we started to do research for the concept map and the literature survey. Nancy created a Google Doc for us all to write our ideas communally. Nancy, Jack and Jake started to do research for the literature surveys while I started reading into Biologically Inspired Robots to start doing to concept map.

    Problem: So far we don't have any problems!

    Plan: For homework tonight and over the next few days we will be doing more research for our concept map due Friday and our literature surveys due on next Wednesday. So far our progress has been good and our plan is to keep going on that track!

  3. Progress: So far we are doing well. We gathered information on biologically inspired robots for the past couple of nights and split up the information. I am researching the humanoid section, nancy is researching the modular section, jake is researching the swarming section, and jack is researching the soft section. We worked a lot during class today creating the concept map from our notes and we will finish that up tonight and tomorrow during class.

    Problem: We haven't had any major problems but it was a bit hard to break down the topic of Biologically inspired robotics because there is so much information.

    Plan: We will finish up the concept map tonight and perfect it tomorrow in class. Once we are finished, we will continue to work on the literature survey.

    1. Sounds great! I really like your detailed task assignment, and clear schedule.

  4. (Progress, Problem, Plans for 9/15)

    Progress: Our progression has been successful as we continue to work on biologically inspired robots. We finished the concept map on Friday in class and we are still working (but almost done with) the literature surveys. We also have started to work on the powerpoint presentation.

    Problem: We haven't encountered any problems so far.

    Plan: This weekend we plan to finish up the literature surveys and get our powerpoint presentation together. Nancy and I will do three slides each and Jake and Jack will do two slides each.

  5. 9/19

    Progress: We have finished the concept map, the literature survey and the powerpoint and we are ready to present! Lab 1 is finished, yay! Our group is doing well.

    Problems: We have no problems!

    Plan: Nancy will put together the powerpoint tonight and send it to all of us so that we have no problems when we present tomorrow.

  6. 9/20

    Progress: We are finished with our powerpoint. Today we learned about Autonomous Robots, Social Robots, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, and Humanoid Robots.

    Problems: We don't have any problems.

    Plan: Tomorrow, we plan to present our powerpoint.

  7. 9/21

    Progress: So far our progress is good. We presented our powerpoint presentation today, which went well.

    Problems: We had a little bit of a technical difficulty while presenting. Our youtube video did not play because the laptop carts were disabled from youtube.

    Plan: We have no plans as of right now.

    1. In technical world, everything can fall apart. Plan and practice in advance can minimize your surprises.

  8. 9/27

    Progress: We chose to do the Tumbler Robot! We are very excited. We got most of the pieces that we need today and everything is going well.

    Problems: The one problem that we have is that we are missing one piece: 3/8 inch screws (we need 11 of them).

    Plan: We plan to start building our robot soon and putting it all together as we start Lab 2.

    1. Your request has been fulfilled. Come and pick up your parts.

  9. 9/28

    Progress: Today we started to build our robot. We picked up the parts (thank you!) and we started to build. We started with the base and got a little of it done.

    Problems: We didn't have any major problems today but we had some trouble starting to build the robots. We didn't really know how to start the robot and were a little confused by the directions, but eventually we figured it out.

    Plan: We plan to continue building the robots and complete Lab 2!

  10. 10/1

    Progress: We are done (for the most part) building our robot. We worked hard today to finish everything up and to tighten all the loose screws.

    Problems: We had one problem because our Vex Micro-controller was not working properly. Everything is built correctly, it's just that when we turn our controller on and start using it, our robot doesn't move.

    Plan: We plan to figure out the problem with our micro-controller tomorrow and finish up our robot in class.

    1. Your microcontroller has been downloaded with the factory default codes. It should respond to the remote control now. Try it out and make sure that your motor connections are correct.

  11. 10/2

    Progress: Our microcontroller now works! We were very excited when we first saw this because yesterday it wasn't working. It responds to the remote now, and moves and turns.

    Problems: We have some problems because our wheels turn in opposite directions and the remote doesn't exactly correlate with the movement of our robot. For example, when it is turning, it can move fast even though the wheels aren't moving correctly, but when it is moving straight it moves very slowly.

    Plan: We plan to fix the robot's wheels tomorrow and make sure that the motors are connected to the correct holes on the microcontroller. Since not all the spaces for the motors on the microcontrollers work, it might be difficult.

  12. 10/3

    Progress: Today Jack and I took our robot out during a study hall we had together. We played around with the robot (which we named Princess Monster) and figured out what made the robot move and what made it slow down.

    Problem: The problem with our robot is that three of the wheels move in the same direction but the fourth always moves opposite to the others. This is because that wheel has a motor which had two prongs, so we used an adapter to make it fit into the three-prong microcontroller. We think that this might be the problem.

    Plan: Jack said that he talked to you and that you might have another motor for the wheel so we will try to replace that for the broken one and hopefully, our robot will move correctly.

    1. That "adaptor" is the motor controller. If that's the issue, you can change the motor to the three-wire one.

  13. 10/4
    Progress: Today we presented our robot in class. Before we presented our robot, Nancy and I came into the room to fix our robot because it was not working correctly. We changed the motor on the wheel that wasn't working and we calibrated the wheels to work correctly with the remote. When we presented, our robot preformed perfectly! We were able to move it forward, back, and turn it around without any problems.

    Problem: We have no problems, because our robot preformed perfectly!

    Plan: We plan to do the next lab and make our second robot soon!

  14. 10/9

    Progress: We have been trying to discuss what we can do for the next lab. We came up with making a robot that hops (like a bunny). We are going to try to do this with springs as the major parts of the legs.

    Problem: There haven't been many hopping robots made before so it is a bit difficult to make a robot without anything to start from.

    Plan: We plan to make a sketch of the robot tomorrow and begin executing and building the "BunnyBot"

    1. Not many people having built it means you are doing some original research. It is a great opportunity!

  15. 9/15

    Progress: We changed our robot because we realized it was probably unrealistic to build a jumping robot in such a short amount of time. Therefore, we changed our idea to a robot with two motorized wheels and 3 unmotorized wheels. We have the basis of our robot done, we just need to fix it up a bit more tomorrow.

    Problems: We had a bit of a problem today because we realized that the back of our robot was much heavier than the front of it and so it leaned back. We decided to put a wheel on its back so when it leaned, it could be supported by the wheel but we haven't really figured out fully how to function the wheel correctly.

    Plan: We plan do fix up our robot and perfect its movements tomorrow in class.

  16. 10/22/2012

    Progress: Today we began to work on our next lab, creating a robot that can pick of the residue from an oil spill. We realized that to do this, we needed to make two separately functioning robots (the robot of the claw and the robot base) and then connect them together. We, for the most part, planned out what our robot will look like and how it will function.

    Problems: We have no problems at this point.

    Plan: We plan to begin building the claw of our robot tomorrow so it can function on its own, with its own motor. Then we will build the base (with the motorized wheels) and connect them together.

  17. 10/25/12

    Progress: Today we worked on our robot a lot. Nancy and I were busy building the base while Jake and Jack were building the arm. Nancy and I made the base with four small wheels and put motors on each wheel. Jake and Jack made the arm with very small gears so that the motor can turn the gears which open the claws.

    Problems: We don't have any major problems, but time might be an issue. It's a bit of a problem that we only have 2 more class days to work on it, but hopefully we'll all be here after school to finish up the robot.

    Plan: Tomorrow we want to connect the arm to the base and figure out how to rotate and turn in so that the claw can pick things up and move them.

  18. 10/26/12

    Progress: We are making good progress but we still have a lot to do. We built the base but we are trying to figure out how to fully control the arm. We think we want to model the claw after the Portobot robot.

    Problems: We need these materials:
    3 3-sided bars (29 rows)
    2 large gears
    4 circular cylinders (long)
    2 motors (three prong/wire ones)

    Plan: We plan to come in early on Monday and work on the robot because we still have a lot to do.

  19. 11/5/12

    Progress: We have the base to our robot, and we are making progress. We just need to fully attach the claw and make sure that it works in its entirety. We are a little nervous because we don't fully know how to get the claw to turn vertically once it picks up a can horizontally.

    Problems: We are having a little bit of trouble fully figuring out how to use the claw properly.

    Plan: We plan to come in during our frees and lunch on Wednesday and after school to finish the robot.

  20. 11/7/12

    Progress: We noticed that our robot was not functioning how we need it to at all, so today we decided to start over and re-create the robot. We used the model for the Protobot with the claw attaching to where the second arm would have been. We got the base and we built the extension for the arm but we are not completely done yet. We would really appreciate some extra time to finish making our robot.

    Problems: We don't really have many major problems other than timing. We really do need more time to finish our robot.

    Plan: We plan to finish up the robot tomorrow if possible, and present it. Hopefully we will be able to pick up the cans with accuracy.

  21. 11/8/12

    Progress: Today we got a lot done. We are pretty much done with our robot, we just need another class to touch up some things and figure out how to work with the controller. We attached the arm to the body of the robot and the claw works just how we intended it to. The arm can move all around the robot and the claw can bend up and down and pick up objects.

    Problems: We don't really have a problem right now, we just need to finish up what we started.

    Plan: Tomorrow in class we will figure out how to work the controller so that the arm and claw can move how we want it to with the body of the robot.

  22. 11/13/12

    Progress: We finished our robot today... it just doesn't move the way we want it to. The arm of the robot is too heavy, so every time it leans back, the entire robot falls backwards and there is no way to get it upright again without using our hands. To solve this, we tried putting weights on the back of the robot, and it is working a little bit better.

    Problems: The main problem we have at this point is that our arm and claw cannot lift the cans full with soda because they are too heavy. Because of their weight, the arm is strained downward and therefore cannot lift it up completely into the box.

    Plan: We plan to work on our robot tomorrow during all of the frees we have to get the arm and claw to move how we want it to and to get the arm to pick up heavy items, such as the full can of soda.

  23. 11/15/12

    Progress: Today we passed qualifications, yay! We tried to do the test, but we only were able to get one can in the box. Hopefully you'll let us try again tomorrow so that we can show you that we can get more in the box! We promise that our robot actually works.

    Problems: We seem to be having some minor difficulties with our robot and controlling it.

    Plan: Tomorrow we plan to do the test again if you let us.

  24. Need to do your daily engineering notes.

  25. 11/26

    Progress: Today we continued working on our robot that picks up tennis balls. We have the base of the robot, and we are now working on the arm. We attached the plastic strings to the arm so that the tennis balls will not bounce off the arm once they are picked up.

    Problems: We have no problems so far because we are not completely done building the robot, but should be by the end of this week.

    Plan: Tomorrow we will try to finish the arm of the robot and attach it to the body of the robot. We will also need to find/make a cardboard box to pick up the tennis balls because the pieces of metal will probably be to heavy.

  26. 11/27

    Progress: Today we continued working on our robot. The base of the robot is tight and moves perfectly and the arm works as well, but we have yet to figure out how to connect the arm to the base. When we tried to do so, we noticed that our arm might not be long enough.

    Problems: The one problem that we are running into, which we have encountered before, is that the arm might be too heavy to manipulate (especially with tennis balls). We cannot really figure out how to solve this problem.

    Plan: Hopefully tomorrow we will be able to connect the arm to the base of the robot and make it long enough so that we do not have problems when trying to pick up the tennis balls.

    1. Also, Mr. Lin will you please put the Powerpoint Presentation Template and the Project Report Template online soon so we can start working on it? Thanks!

  27. Progress: We are progressing well because we are almost done with our robot. We presented today in class, and we are done with the lab report. We will give it to you tomorrow (we aren't sure when it is due).

    Plan: Tomorrow, we plan to work on the robot when we can. We have to attach the cardboard box and just make sure our robot functions properly.

    Problems: We have yet to figure out how the balls will stay in the cardboard box before they get into the arm (or the ball holder). We will try to do this tomorrow.

  28. Progress: Today we did the task to pick up the tennis balls in three minutes. We got five in three minutes, yay! We won today but hopefully with more practice, we will be able to pick up more balls.

    Plan: Tomorrow, hopefully, we will be able to try again and pick up more balls.

    Problems: We don't really have many problems but if we had more time to work on the robot we would be able to improve it by adding more weight to the back of the robot so it doesn't tip, and make it move faster.
