Sunday, September 9, 2012

Group 2: Engineering Notebook

Group 2: Engineering Notebook
  • Progress
  • Problem
  • Plan


  1. We chose the topic of Autonomous Vehicles. We decided on this because we see autonomous vehicles paving the way to a more prosperous and safe transportation industry. Last night we assigned roles to collect information from various websites concerning the past, present and future of autonomous vehicles. Each person was asked to search at least 3 websites and find out information about each

  2. Today we started on our concept map and breaking it down into categories that are significant to the Autonomous vehicles. Tonight we are all going to use the bullet points that we got from the websites and put them into their proper category.

  3. Today we worked on our conceptual map. For homework we had all previously added in our ideas to the concept map. In class we worked together to give more concise points and ideas. We made sure that each of the ideas we a main topic that could be broken down even more.

    1. In concept map, the more sibling bubbles you add, the more detail/broader topics you cover; the more layers of child bubbles you add, the more depth you have for your research.

  4. Today we simplified our bubbles in order to make them less sentence structures and more as the main concepts we wanted to cover. We went more into depth with child bubbles as well. We also started on the literature survey. We added the bibliography to each of the links.

    1. Great! The detailed descriptions are for formal reports. Concept map needs to be concise.

  5. On thursday (9/20/12) after returning from the break, our group was the first to present our powerpoint. We had previously decided who was going to read which slides and written up a script for some additional information that we wanted to add into the presentation. We think our presentation went over really well especially for it being our first presentation.

  6. On friday (9/21/12) we saw the rest of the powerpoint presentations and were really impressed by each groups work. We all took notes on each presentation and were really interested in everything we had learned

  7. On monday (9/24/12) we watched the first half of really great movie. It showed people trying to build real life autonomous vehicles. All of the vehicles took so much work behind them and it took so much failure before any of them got anywhere close to success. We all were really excited to finish the movie the following day

    1. In engineering, failures are not just accidents. Failures are part of the equations of success.

  8. On tuesday (9/25/12) we finished the movie and it showed that Stanford's vehicle "Stanley" was the first autonomous vehicle to ever complete the 132 mile course through the desert. It was a landmark moment in history for all the people who have devoted their lives to developing vehicles such as this. Carnegie Melon also had 2 vehicles complete the course. The movie made us all really excited to start building our own robots. We started a new google doc after class in which we are using to discuss which robot we are going to build on thursday.

  9. Today in class, we "shopped" for the different parts that we will need to create our robot. While it was difficult at first to identify all of the parts, we began to gain confidence as the period continued. Our group worked together in order to find all the parts that we needed that were available to us in class today. We are all looking forward to the beginning of construction tomorrow.

    We are missing the following parts:

    1) Charger
    2) 4 - 3in. standoffs
    3) Probot manual
    4) 2 - BST battery tie down
    5) PWM extension 12"
    6) 2 - Limit switch
    7) Antenna tube
    8) Antenna holder

    1. All the requested items are found and are ready for pick up.

  10. Today we were working on building our second robot. We have decided that we want to build a tank. We successfully built one side of the tank today and tomorrow we plan on building the second half. We also spent time discussing and brainstorming what we could add to our robot in order to make it unique.

    We need:
    1 15X5 metal piece

    1. 1) The requested part is ready for picking up.
      2) Someone in your group should look into the report template to make sure you will meet the requirements.
      3) You should document your brainstorming results here.

  11. Need to do your daily engineering notes.

    1. Sorry! We will be sure to be more consistent during this challenge!

  12. Lab #5 - Tennis Ball Challenge: Day One

    - Drew designs for our robot and worked together to brainstorm a solid idea
    - Began working on a protobot base
    - Decided to construct an arm that is able to move to the other side of the robot to dump the balls in the open box
    - We will use a tray similar to a dustpan that can pick up three balls at a time

  13. Lab #5 - Tennis Ball Challenge: Day Two

    - We continued the same work from the previous day
    - Our group worked together in order to delegate jobs and make sure everyone was doing something
    - Started to work on the lab report for this project and made significant progress on our video (which we are using in replacement of a powerpoint presentation)

  14. Lab #5 - Tennis Ball Challenge: Day Three

    - Encountered a problem when it came to attach the wheels; however we solved the problem by experimenting with new wheels and working those into our design
    - Encountered a second problem when reviewing the arm. Some of the parts had not been attached properly, so we had to backtrack and re-do those parts.
    - Finished the base of the robot and worked on ideas for the tray
    - As of right now, we are not missing any parts and have everything we need to construct our robot

    1. Mr. Lin, Can you please put the templates online for the Lab Report and the PowerPoint presentation - so we know exactly what to include! Thank you!

  15. Lab #5 - Tennis Ball Challenge: Day Four
    - We fixed the arm because it wasn't cranking upward properly by reconstructing and tightening it.
    - We then started to construct the box and attached it but didn't get a chance to test it.
    - Monday we plan on testing the box but as of now the robot is fully constructed.
