Sunday, September 9, 2012

Group 4: Engineering Notebook

Group 4: Engineering Notebook
  • Progress
  • Problem
  • Plan


  1. Progress: Our group chose "Surgical Robots" as our first lab research topic. We also assigned group roles for the coming weeks.

    Problem: No problems today.

    Plan: We each plan to add three resources connected to surgical robots to our group's Google Doc by Wednesday night. This will allow us to complete the concept map, get a head start on the literature survey, as well as to start obtaining relevant information to share with the class in our powerpoint presentation.

    1. 1)It's a good idea to use Google doc for the survey which helps the communication among group members.
      2) Good planning.

  2. Progress: Our group found relevant resources about surgical robots. We also started combing through the websites to find what we will be able to use later on in our project.

    Problem: We had a hard time getting focused at the start of the period, but once we started working, we did so efficiently and got everything we had planned out yesterday finished.

    Plan: We plan to sort through the research sites that we found today and decide which ones might be useful for our literary survey. We also plan on taking notes about each site's content and adding that information to the Google Doc. This will help us get ahead on the lit survey and will give us enough understanding of the topics involved in surgical robots to set up the concept map.

    1. 1) Great progress! I suggest that the group leader takes the responsibility of reminding the whole group to work on track from the very beginning of the period by reviewing the progress, and summarize the action items for the day.

  3. Progress: Although our group did not meet today, we went through the links and determined which ones will be valuable to our project. We also watched the video tutorial about how to make a concept map on YouTube.

    Problem: No problem.

    Plan: We plan to start finishing up all of the research on surgical robots and organizing our findings in a concept map.

    1. 1) Good progress! Great team!
      2) Great plan! Just don't forget to add the time frame to your plan.

  4. Progress: We started putting all of our concepts into the map today. We also completed the starting notes for the literature survey.

    Problem: Although we had previously watched tutorials on how to create a concept map, we still struggled with using the map tool. We worked together and figured out how to make the tool work for us.

    Plan: We plan to complete our concept map tonight. We will put the finishing touches on the concept map in class tomorrow. Also, we will turn in/ share the concept map with Mr. Lin.

    1. Good achievement! I'd like to see your map in class tomorrow before final submission.

  5. (Friday)
    Progress: We submitted our final concept map today.

    Problem: Several of our group members were not present in class today due to senior yearbook portraits scheduled at the same time as class. Nevertheless, we achieved our goals for today.

    Plan: We plan to complete all of the literary survey component of the project this weekend. We will write all twelve of the required summaries this weekend. Also, we will gather relevant information that will be useful to us in the powerpoint presentation. By Wednesday, our goal is to have the literary survey ready for submission and the blueprint for the powerpoint presentation started.

  6. (Wednesday)
    Progress: We completed and turned in our literary survey. We also completed our presentation.

    Problem: No problems today.

    Plan: We plan to present in class, but all work on the project is finalized already.

  7. Progress: We did not present today. We took notes on other people's presentations.

    Problem: We had a malfunction with the email server and our file was lost. We were unable to open the file and present in class.

    Plan: We plan to make certain that the file is carried through and can be opened in class tomorrow.

    1. In engineering world, backup plan is a must instead of an option. Worst case scenarios should be part of your thinking.

  8. Monday and Tuesday
    Progress: We watched a documentary about the great challenge of building an autonomous vehicle to travel the desert.

    Problem: There were no problems.

    Plan: To pick from the menu and get started on the second lab.

  9. Progress: We chose tumbler as our robot for this lab project. We gathered most of the materials that we will need for this project and organized them.

    Problem: Several of the key pieces needed for this robot were missing or unavailable to us. We are missing all of the screws as well as a transmitter.

    Plan; We plan to figure out where we can obtain the rest of our materials and start the construction of the tumbler.

  10. (Friday)
    Progress: We did not really make any progress.

    Problem: We had picture day and it threw off our robotics schedule.

    Plan: On Monday we plan to stay after school to finish as much of our robot as possible.

  11. Progress: We began our robot. We finished both sets of wheels.

    Problem: We had a hard time trying to put together the beginnings of the robot. After some initial struggling, we figured it out.

    Plan: We plan to finish our project tomorrow.

    1. Great! It's a learning curve you will go through in a few days. It will prepare you to design your own robots.

  12. Progress: We met outside of class and completed our robot. We had some struggles with controlling the robot and getting it to turn on, but with some help, we figured it out and practiced maneuvering the robot.

    Problem: We had some issues understanding how to control the robot, but with some practice we got the hang of it.

    Plan: We plan to be ready with our presentation by tomorrow.

  13. Progress: We presented and watched other groups' presentations today.

    Problem: Overnight, our robot developed some sort of programming or calibration issue and one of the wheels moved on its own during our presentation. We couldn't really deal with this on the spot, but aside from that, our presentation went smoothly,

    Plan: We plan to start working on our next lab tomorrow.

    1. Reset the remote control first. Look online for the procedure.

  14. Progress: We learned more about our next lab.

    Problem: None.

    Plan: Over the weekend we plan to start doing background research for the lab.

  15. Progress: We took apart our first robot and started gathering tools for our next projects.

    Problem: It took us a long time to come to an agreement about what kind of robot to make next time.

    Plan: We plan to be ready with plenty of background resources on Thursday.

    1. Can you post the topic your group choose along with more details here?

  16. Progress: Today we planned out the parts which we will need to use in our building process. We started constructing our robot treads and the base that will hold the robot together.

    Problem: We had a hard time finding research on track treading to base our concept off of.

    Plan: We plan to keep working on building our robot tomorrow in class.

    1. Other than using tank treads as part of your construction, it is not clear to me what are you going to build for your robot. Can you elaborate a little bit more.

  17. Progress: We had completed most of our robot in class already, but today when we turned the robot on, we found that the motors were not firmly attached onto the robot. In order to fix this issue, we took apart our robot and started looking for how we could fix it. We decided to put a strip of metal on the other side of the motor so that we could make sure that it would be firmly secure once we started the robot's motors.

    Problem: We are running very close to deadline. Our robot was malfunctioning today, and while we have figured out how to fix it, the timing is going to run a little bit close because our group members couldn't work on it today after school. We will work on it tomorrow before school and during lunch in an effort to complete it before class.

    Plan: We plan to make sure that our powerpoint presentation is completed tonight so that we can focus all of our energy on building the robot tomorrow.

  18. Need to do your daily engineering notes.
