Sunday, September 9, 2012

Group 6: Engineering Notebook

Group 6: Engineering Notebook
  • Progress
  • Problem
  • Plan


  1. Progress: We chose our topic and we assigned the research tasks.
    Problem: n/a
    Plan: WE plan to get 3 articles each and research our topic

  2. Progress: We all worked on the literature survey, and Alex worked on the concept map.
    Problem: n/a
    Plan: To finish and organize our literature survey and to work more on the concept map.

    1. 1) What is the target date of finishing the survey so that your group can do the consolidation?
      2) How do your group make sure the survey will have proper coverage and no duplication?
      3) Whenever you have a plan, always add the time frame into it.

  3. Progress: Today we continued to work on the concept map. We will have it finished by the deadline.
    Plan: Finish the concept map. We are almost done. In addition, we are still working on putting together the literary survey over the weekend. We will have it done by the deadline of Wednesday.

    1. I'd like to take a look at your concept map tomorrow before final submission.

  4. Progress: We continued working on our concept map as well as gathered information for the literature survey.
    Problem: n/a, its hard to work together if part of our group is missing, but we will make up for it this weekend
    Plan: Finish the literature surey by Sunday. And Monday and Tuesday make a powerpoint displaying all our information. Wednesday will be our last check to see if everything is set for presenting. Each of us chose specific tasks, so we will each make slides according to our taksks.

    1. Group members should device a way to communicate with each other efficiently. There are many ways to collaborate even people are not physically in the same location. Any possible setbacks should be part of your risk management.

  5. Progress: today we presented our powerpoint on UAVs in class. We worked together as a group and I believe we did very well presenting in class. The questions people asked really showed that they were listening and enjoyed the presentation.
    Problem: N/A the presentation was really good and we didn't have any difficulties.
    Plan: To continue to work together for future projects.

  6. We need:
    2 battery tie downs
    1 PWM Entension, 12"
    1 Antenna tube
    2 Chasis 15 holes
    1 Plate 5X15 hole

    Progress: We obtained most of our materials needed to build the Protobot. Everyone helped to understand the different parts.
    Problem: It was a little confusing to understand which parts we needed but once we started to get used to the way each part was labeled it became easier.
    Plan: We plan to continue to work together to make the robot and make sure that each person has a role in building the robot.

    1. All the requested items are found and are ready for pick up.

  7. Progress: We have made significant progress on our robot and put together the main base of the the robot today in class.
    Problem: All the screws looked the same so we had difficulty at first distinguishing the screws we needed but we figured it out.
    Plan: Next class we plan to continue to work on the robot and make greater progress so that we can finish the robot by the deadline.

  8. Progress: We continued to work on the robot today in class and just have to compile all the parts we were working on.
    Problem: Sometimes we realized that we made a mistake and had to fix it before moving on. Although this was a slight inconvenience, it wasn't a huge problem.
    Plan: To finish the robot and test to make sure it can move.

  9. Progress: We put together the robot.
    Problem: We still can't get the robot to move straight because the motor on the right side, which controls the wheels on the right, is not strong enough. Right now it moves in circles.
    Plan: To troubleshoot and fix the problem so that the robot will actually move. I know that it is due Thursday so we don't have much time but it will hopefully be solved by tomorrow.

  10. Progress: We presented today.
    Problem: We had difficulties making it move smoothly. It was frustrating because it moved so smoothly the day before. Everything was working.
    Plan: To make more robots in the future and hopefully continue to learn how to solve problems such as the one above. It's a lot of trial and error but it's worth it once you have a robot that functions well.

    1. Have your group identified the problems? Can you post the reasons here?

  11. Progress: We decided what we are going to build for the next project and began planning for the pieces we need as well as researching.
    Problem: N/A
    Plan: To continue to research and plan for the robot then start building so that we can finish and fine tune the robot by the deadline.

    1. Can you post the topic and more about your new robot here?

  12. OUR ROBOT CONCEPT: For this project we are building a robot that will mimic a tricycle where the back 2 wheels are stationary and the front wheel will be able to pivot so that the robot can turn. The back wheels will have a motor and the front wheel will as well but not to spin the wheel but to angle the wheel for the robot to turn.

  13. Progress: Stephan researched more about the robot we are building including how to make the front wheel turn. We really roughly sketched the robot so we are all understanding what we want the robot to look like. Alex began creating the front wheel while Spencer, Peter and Patrycia worked on the back wheels.
    Problem: At first, we knew we wanted to make a tricycle but were not visualizing the same robot. However, we decided to stop working for five minutes and sketch what we wanted to build.
    Plan: To continue working on the robot and lab simultaneously.

    1. 1) Good to see everyone in working in parallel.
      2) Clear specification at higher level can save time in 10 folds at lower level.
      3) Diagram (2/3-D) is an important tool to represent and communicate complex structure such that everyone can share the same idea.

  14. Your group has a good start on the report. The links should be put at the end (reference).

  15. Progress: We finished the back wheels and the main structure. All that is left is to make the front wheel and attach everything.
    Problem: N/A
    Plan: To finish and test the robot and work on the lab report.

    We Need:
    2 1X4 sheet metal
    1 1X5 sheet metal

    1. The requested parts are available for picking up.

  16. Progress: We attached the back wheels to the main structure and began working with the motors to make sure it works. In addition, we continued to make the front wheel.
    Problem: The front wheel needed to have increased friction in order for the whole wheel structure to move. We fixed the problem by finding a part that would help the rod remain stationary.
    Plan: We plan to finish the robot by tomorrow and begin tweaking it so that it is perfect. As well as simultaneously work on the Lab report.

  17. Progress: We finished the robot today and tested it. It worked well and we had no problems with the movement.
    Problem: We had an issue attaching the motor to the front wheel but we just used longer screws and it worked well.
    Plan: To finish the lab report.

  18. Progress: We made minor adjustments to the robot today and finished testing it.
    Problem: N/A
    Plan: To present the robot tomorrow in class and finish the lab report as it is due Saturday.

  19. Progress: We presented our robot and I thought it went very well.
    Problem: N/A
    Plan: To work as a group on the next project that we have.

  20. Progress: We shared our research from the night before and began to conceptualize the robot we want to build. We have an idea of the base we want to make.
    Problem: The concept for the claw we want to build is pretty complicated and thus we have to research more about how we can make the parts fit together in order to make the claw move the way we want it to.
    Plan: To continue to figure out how the claw is meant to be built so we can work on that part of the robot.

  21. Progress: We finished the main structure of the robot. Now we just have to make the claw.
    Problem: N/A
    Plan: To put the claw together and test the robot.

  22. Progress: We finished everything on the robot.
    Problem: The claw topples over when a full can of "toxic waste" is lifted. We still have the troubleshoot the structure accounting for the torque balance. It is difficult but I'm sure we can figure it out by Thursday.
    Plan: To troubleshoot and solve the problem.

  23. Progress: We had to redo the wheels on the robot and troublshoot.
    Problem: We were unable to have time to practice a lot using the robot.
    Plan: To play with the robot before class on Tuesday.

  24. Progress: We continued to tweak the robot because it didn't seem to be working as well as it did yesterday. We fixed the problem and were good.
    Problem: N/A
    Plan: To play with the robot so we are prepared for the final test.

  25. Progress: We brainstormed ideas on how to make the robot capture as many tennis balls as possible and still be efficient.
    Problem: N/A
    Plan: To start building the structure of the robot.

  26. Progress: We began to build the arm that will capture the tennis balls.
    Problem: N/A
    Plan: Build the rest of the base structure and attach the arm.

  27. Progress: We continued to build our tennis ball arm (only a little), as well as the elevator base
    Problem: Were not exactly sure whether or not our arm is going to actually turn on the robot/whether the motor is going to be strong enough to turn
    Plan: Originally we were going to start with the arm but instead we switched to creating the elevator on our robot. If all goes well, we plan on finishing the elevator by wednesday or thursday

  28. Progress: Were working on coming up with a new plan to gather balls. We thought possibly we could use chains to move it.
    Problem: We realized that in our design, our robot can't both go up and down on the elevator and cannot turn 180 degrees, which is a problem when gathering balls
    Plan: Come up with a plan how the collector part is going to grab the tennis balls

  29. Progress: We continued building our robot while changing certain features/the way we build it
    Problem: n/a
    Plan: finish the elevator by tomorrow (a VERY hard goal) and while doing that, create the powerpoint and lab report too

  30. Progress: We continued building our robot
    Problems: The arm gets hooked on the nuts on the side of the lift, there are gaps between the vertical gears, the gears were not centered, etc. (we have alot to fix)
    Plan: Finish the robot by tomorrow!
